8 Family Holiday Walking Tips

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Even if you’re  not on a walking holiday, heading out with the family can be a great adventure and a fun way to build happy memories together.

Whether you are out for a stroll in a field, heading for the beach or exploring woods here are some great tips for your outing:

  1. Relax! If you walk too far or make it too hard, you’ll put children off. Make sure the first walks are easy and close to home. At Tynrhyd Retreat there are 13 acres to explore so need to travel!
  2. Exploring. Children love investigating new environments, let them wander and discover new things as you walk. Avoid pushing them to getting to the top of the hill or in a set amount of time. The more children can find and experience, the more likely they are to want to do it again.
  3. Make it fun! Looking at the sky and fields can get boring. Explore nature – take a guide book of flowers and birds, make tree bark rubbings, play a game of I-spy as you walk, or pretend to be characters from their favourite book!
  4. Collect Treasures! Encourage children to collect what catches their eye – pebbles, shells, leaves, make a walking treasure box for them to keep. It’s amazing what takes their fancy!
  5. Tell them it’s An Adventure. What sounds better, “We’re going for a walk” or “We’re going on an adventure”? Select a wiggly route or one with an exciting destination e.g. beaches, ice cream outlets, tourist attractions.
  6. Picture Perfect. Take lots of photos of the walk, ask the children to have a go too! You can make a picture scrap together when you get home of your happy memories.
  7. Be prepared. Depending on the distance and location you are exploring, essentials include water, snacks, small first aid kit, waterproof jackets, map, compass and binoculars. Check the weather. Pack the essentials in a rucksack and if you have very small children or babies you could make use of a backpack carrier for them. Layer up for warmth and a must is comfortable walking shoes or boots.
  8. Tell us all about it! We’d love to hear about your walking adventures, what you discovered and the pictures you took! Pop us an email on holidays@tynrhyd.com and we’ll share it in our social media and web site!

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